Dental Check-Ups

dental check ups

A dental check-up involves the teeth and gums being checked by a dental professional to detect any oral health issues. The idea behind it is simple: prevention is better than cure. Also, it’s less expensive, especially in the long run. However, not many people are sure what a “dental check-up” exactly entails, and how long … Read more

Treatments for Sore Gums


It is not uncommon to experience sore gums, which refer to pain or aches in the gum tissue. However, depending on the underlying cause of the problem, this soreness can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as bleeding, swelling, bad breath, sensitivity, ulcers, etc. Not all causes of sore gums might be serious, however, … Read more

How To Clean The Tongue? How To Use A Tongue Scraper?

tongue scraper

Many people clean their tongues while brushing their teeth. However, there are special tools designed to specifically clean the tongue. These are known as tongue scrapers.  Essentially, these are handheld instruments with curved edges or grooves that you place on your tongue to get rid of the unpleasant-looking coat on it.  But that’s not all … Read more

What Is Gum Recession? How To Stop Receding Gums?

gum recession

Gum recession is something that many people experience. It is, as the name suggests, a situation in which the gum tissue surrounding the teeth starts to move away. As a result, more of the tooth’s surface is exposed.  Even though it’s a common problem, it shouldn’t be taken lightly since it can lead to gum … Read more

Does A Rotten Tooth Cause Bad Breath?

Does A Rotten Tooth Cause Bad Breath

One of the most off-putting oral health problems is halitosis or bad breath. While there are different reasons why you might have this (poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, smoking, sugary foods, and illness), some wonder: Does a rotten tooth cause bad breath? The answer to that is yes.  Badly decayed teeth are also referred to … Read more

What You Should Know About Buck Teeth

buck teeth

Buck teeth refers to a condition in which the upper teeth abnormally overlap the lower teeth. Some say they’re so-called because a male rabbit with its large teeth is known as a “buck.”  It’s not just that these teeth are extended and large (especially in contrast to the surrounding teeth). Sometimes, these teeth can also … Read more

Is It Safe To Have Dental Implants In Turkey?

is it safe to have dental implants in turkey

The Turkish dental boom has helped many, but there are others who are wary of visiting the country. The low cost, however, remains an irresistible lure, especially for those seeking more expensive procedures like dental implants.  Where one dental implant costs £2,500 in the UK, it’s only around £500 in Turkey. Even after you factor … Read more

Bruxism: Treatment For Teeth Grinding In Sleep

teeth grinding bruxism

Bruxism is an abnormal movement disorder which is typically characterised by the clenching and/or grinding of teeth.  However, it doesn’t always involve tooth contact. That’s because bracing (holding rigidly) and thrusting (moving forcibly) of the lower jaw are also considered a part of it.  The problem is that this habit can be unconscious, so you … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide On Turkey Teeth

turkey teeth

With over 31 billion views on TikTok alone, “Turkey teeth” has become a ubiquitous trend. However, it doesn’t just refer to the practice of getting your teeth done in Turkey.  “Turkey teeth” has become synonymous with botched dental treatment in Turkey. It’s what’s used to label teeth that are too white, too bulky, too boxy, … Read more

What Is The Lifespan Of A Dental Crown In Turkey?

how long do dental crowns last

Dental crowns are one of the most durable restorations that can last for decades. Nevertheless, how long does a dental crown last depends on many different factors. Mainly, it will come down to the skill of your dentist and your oral hygiene and habits, along with the crown’s location and the material of it.  Even … Read more

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