Teeth Shade Guide: Why Is It Important?

teeth shade guide

Teeth come in a variety of hues, colours, and brightness levels. There can be small variations even within the same set of teeth. So, choosing a dental restoration’s colour is not easy, which is why a teeth shade guide is used. This helps patients achieve their aesthetic goals.  Keep in mind that while the expertise … Read more

Is Teeth Shaving Safe?

teeth shaving

Not so long ago, you’d have seen many influencers on TikTok ruining their teeth using a nail filer. But, little did they know that their dentist could also have done so without causing permanent damage to their teeth. That’s because teeth shaving is a proper dental procedure done at a dentist’s office.  However, there are … Read more

Dental Implant Failure: Everything You Need To Know

dental implant failure

Dental implants serve as replacements for missing tooth roots. And while these fixtures are permanent (having a high success rate), rarely, problems can occur, one of which is dental implant failure.  There are many reasons why this can happen. Problems on the patient’s and/or dental surgeon’s end can lead to an implant failure. However, it’s … Read more

My Crown Fell Out: What Should Be Done?

Crown fell out

It’s not uncommon to hear someone tell you that their crown fell out. While dental crowns have an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years, sometimes, they do not last as long. And there are more than a few reasons for it.  You should know that losing a dental crown is not an emergency, but … Read more

Is It Possible To Whiten A Discoloured Dental Crown?

can you get a crown whitened

After getting dental crowns, some people wonder if they can get them whitened just like natural teeth. The thing is, your artificial teeth can’t be whitened. That is because they aren’t actually teeth; they are teeth-coloured materials.  The other thing you need to understand here is that you don’t even need to get your teeth … Read more

The Phossy Jaw: What It Was and Why Is it Back?

Phossy jaw

Not so long ago, many workers were afflicted with industrial diseases due to exposure to toxic chemicals. One malady was that of the phossy jaw, its victims dubbed the “matchstick women” or the “match girls.” It was an epidemic that affected people from the middle of the 1800s to the beginning of the 1900s.  However, … Read more

Jagged Teeth: Causes & 6 Ways To Fix Them

jagged teeth

Teeth are at the front and centre of your face. Any anomaly in their shape, colour, or size doesn’t pass without notice. Unfortunately, jagged teeth are one such anomaly.  Now, when you think of “jagged teeth,” you don’t have to remind yourself of that girl from the Hunger Games. These serrations can be more subtle, … Read more

What Is Trench Mouth?

trench mouth

Trench mouth is a severe oral health problem that has been around for more than a century. According to the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), the word originates from World War I, when the soldiers in trenches suffered from this oral health problem due to poor oral hygiene.  Unfortunately, “trench mouth” is extremely destructive, so … Read more

Hypodontia: Cause, Signs, Risks & Treatments


Oral health conditions are not always preventable. Hypodontia or congenitally missing teeth is an example of that. According to the NHS, 3-5% of the people in the UK are born with missing teeth. This not only causes aesthetic and functional problems but can also be financially burdensome. This is because treatment for hypodontia can take … Read more

Crown Lengthening: Benefits, Procedure, Recovery, & Cost

Crown Lengthening

Sometimes, in order to have a dental procedure, additional preliminary treatment may be needed. Crown lengthening is a procedure that you might need before a dental restoration. If you don’t undergo the procedure, the artificial teeth can come off. There’s also the risk of damage to the gum tissues.  You should know that even though … Read more

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