UK Registered Turkish Dentists Respond To The #TURKEYTEETH Debate

There is a great deal of confusion regarding the surge of dental treatments in Turkey. Longevita has been offering dental treatments to UK patients to get treatment in Turkey since 2012. We feel it is our responsibility to inform the UK public about the safety of receiving dental treatments in Turkey. While Turkey is an extremely popular destination for dental treatments, there is also some negative press surrounding some dental procedures.

The most controversial dental treatment involves shaving down existing teeth to small studs and replacing the enamel with a cap. The procedure is not unique to Turkey. Dentists in the UK also perform this treatment. The problem arises when this procedure is done unnecessarily. So how would you know you need crowns?

Longevita’s advice to patients is to listen to the experts and reliable Turkish medical companies instead of seeking information through unreliable sources or TikTok videos. So, Turkish/British dentists Gizem Seymenoglu and Makbule Sipahi Ogretme, who are both registered in the UK, answered all the questions surrounding the “Turkey Teeth” debate.

Dr. Gizem Seymenoglu 

is a GDC registered dentist qualified in Turkey and has been practising in the UK since 2009 (GDC Registration Number: 176886). Dr. Gizem is also a member of The British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (BAAD).

What are dental crowns and when are they used?

In dentistry, a crown is an artificial tooth. The dentist shaves the enamel from all around the tooth and places the crown on the tooth as a cap. A crown is used when the tooth is already heavily restored with fillings and weak in terms of structure. 

What is a veneer, and when is it used?

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain. The dentist shaves only a very small amount of enamel from the front of the tooth and places the veneer on the tooth as a fake nail. A veneer is used when the tooth is generally healthy and a minimal aesthetic improvement is required. 

Is there any difference between dental practices in TR and in the UK in terms of quality and care?

There are many excellent practices both in the UK and in TR, as well as some not so great ones. It is important to research and find a dentist who will provide you with an ethical and minimally invasive treatment plan for crowns and veneers in TR and the UK.

Is the crown procedure overused in TR? 

Patients in TR and the UK may be offered an extensive treatment plan that involves several crowns. In the end, it is up to the patient to do their research and to accept or reject a treatment plan. We recommend that patients obtain several quotes/treatment plans and make an informed decision.

What are the reasons why crowns fail?

In order to place a crown, considerable amounts of tooth structure are removed, making the tooth more fragile. Eventually, the tooth might lose its vitality and require root canal treatment. This might happen in 25% of the cases.

What are the differences in terms of dental care regulations in TR and in the UK?

Patients should do their research and should not feel obliged to undergo any treatment they feel not necessary. Patients should choose clinics with medical travel certificates in Turkey 

What should the UK patients do before going ahead with dental treatment in TR?

We recommend UK patients to have stable dental health and regular checkups in the UK. Patients should share the treatment plan with their current dentists and get their consent prior to medical travel.

As Dr. Gizem Seymenoglu points out, the use of crown treatment is not unique to Turkey, it is also used in the UK when necessary, but patient awareness is essential when deciding on a  crown treatment. Because the debate is revolving around the dental practices in Turkey, we asked the Clinical Tutor at King’s College Dental Institute Dr. Makbule Sipahi Ogretme specifically about dentistry in Turkey.


Dr. Makbule Sipahi Öğretme

is a GDC registered dentist qualified in Turkey and has been practising in the UK since 2008 (GDC Registration Number: 169489). Makbule is a general dental practitioner with a special interest in cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics and paediatric dentistry. She is a Clinical Tutor at King’s College Dental Institute where she trains and supervises dental undergraduate students.

What is your view on getting dental treatment in Turkey? Turkey has been providing dental care to people all over the world for decades. Over the last few years, the number of patients visiting Turkey has risen substantially because word-of-mouth recommendations spread quickly and more people are feeling confident about travelling to Turkey for quality dental treatment at a fraction of the cost in the UK. Turkish dentists are among the best in the world. 

We believe that the term “TurkeyTeeth” is not a true representation of dental practices in Turkey. Turkish dentists are some of the best in their fields, so lumping them all together is unfair. In all medical procedures, getting the correct information is crucial. If you are unaware of what is involved in a procedure that you consent to and pay for, you may suffer irreversible damage and long-term problems. Choosing the right treatment plan is a shared responsibility between patient and dentist. Patients should do their own research and determine what is best for them.

Longevita has offered dental treatments to UK patients in Turkey since 2012. Our network of GDC registered dentists and dental imaging centres is available in 7 cities across the UK, allowing us to offer treatment plans, consultations, and aftercare before and after the trip. Alternatively, sharing your treatment plan with your current dentist in the UK and getting their authorization prior to medical travel would allow you to have coordinated dental care, and you would be more assured of excellent results.

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